Meet Your Match

Career Pipeline

About Meet Your Match

The National Directors Division (NDD) Meet Your Match initiative is facilitates between 600-800 individual elevated networking meetings a year. These meetings are between DGC Directors who have been selected by industry Decision Makers: CMPA ProducersDocumentary Producers/Distributors/FundersTalent Agents/ManagersShowrunners. Every year a call-out is placed for Decision Makers and Directors interested in meeting new collaborators. Decision Makers participate with the proviso that they must select at least 10 DGC Directors they’ve never met before, for ten-minute meetings that we facilitate. These meetings are only intended to make initial introductions and when interest is sparked, the conversations continue offline. Over the years, these meetings have sparked gigs, relationships, representation, development deals, shows and feature projects that otherwise likely wouldn’t have happened.

“I had success at it last year in meeting a DGC Director who is now booked to direct an episode … as a direct result of us meeting at the event.”

Amy Cameron, Cameron Pictures


“It is a hugely valuable way to get us in front of decision makers. It is one of the most important things the Guild offers Directors.”

DGC Director