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Igor Rados
A filmmaker with a curious take on life, Igor Stephen Rados is always searching for the "other side" of a constant riddle that needs to be solved. His work is driven by the explicit visual language and a dynamic editing approach. Rados is best known for his award-winning films, including the politically provocative dark comedy NURSERY RHYME OF A MADAMAN, the cheerfully exotic documentary, GUČA: SERBIAN DETOX, the existentialist drama, DEJA VU DEJA VU, the energy-driven documentary, BIKE COURIERS IN TORONTO, and the controversial satire, TAX FOR HOMELESS. Born in Belgrade, former Yugoslavia, Rados has lived with his family in Toronto, Canada, since 1988. He graduated from the School of Business at George Brown College in 1994, Liberal Studies in Film and Theatre at York University in 1996, and Film Production with Honours at York in 1999.
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